What was Paul’s Profession?
Correct! Acts chapter 18 tells us that Paul was a tentmaker by trade.
Read more about this story in Acts 18
Read what the Evangelical Study Bible has to say about who Paul was:
“Paul was one of the more prominent apostles in the early church who was known for tirelessly planting churches throughout the Greco-Roman world. Born to Jewish parents in Tarsus of the Roman province fo Cilicia, Paul was brought up in a Jewish family that enjoyed Roman citizenship. He was referred to by his Jewish name (Saul) when he was in primarily Jewish areas and by his Greek name (Paul) when he was in Gentile regions.
Like all Jewish sons, Paul was required to learn a trade, which was typically the trade of the father. In Paul’s case, he learned the skill of tentmaking and possibly the general skill of leatherworking.
As a young man, Paul relocated to Jerusalem, where he was trained by the celebrated rabbi Gamaliel. Paul was one of the first to persecute Christians and wreak havoc in the Jerusalem church, pursuing them even as far as Damascus. At that time, God graciously saved him and called him to serve as an apostle. He immediately preached in cities such as Damascus, Jerusalem, and Tarsus. “
Read more in the Evangelical Study Bible
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