In what city was Jesus arrested and crucified?
That’s right. The gospels tell us that Jesus was in Jerusalem celebrating Passover when he was arrested, tried, and crucified for our sins.
Read more about this story in John 18-19.
Read encouraging comments from some of the most celebrated Bible scholars in church history about Jesus’ death and resurrection:
“When the people would have forced our Lord Jesus Christ to a crown, He withdrew, but when they came to force Him to a cross, He offered Himself. He showed plainly what He could have done; when He struck them down He could have struck them dead, but He would not do so. Christ set us an example of meekness in sufferings. We were bound with the cords or our iniquities, with the yoke of our transgressions. Christ, being made a sin offering for us, to free us from those bonds, Himself submitted to be bound for us. To His bonds we owe our liberty; thus the Son makes us free.”
-Matthew Henry
“We ought to consider, on one hand, the dreadful weight of God’s wrath against sin, and on the other hand, His infinite goodness towards us. In no other way could our guilt be removed than by the Son of God becoming a curse for us. If God declares that our salvation was so dear to Him that He did not spare His only begotten Son, what abundant goodness and what astonishing grace do we here behold! Whoever then takes a just view of the causes of the death of Christ, together with the advantage that it yields to us, will regard it as an invaluable token and pledge of the power, wisdom, righteousness, and goodness of God.”
-John Calvin
About this resource
The Timeless Truths Bible will encourage you in the truth through the wisdom of those who came before us with:
- Devotional notes and commentary from trusted theologians and pastors from the second century up to the twentieth to stir your affections.
- Ancient creeds and confessions of the faith to grow your understanding of what we believe—and have always believed.
- Artwork made throughout the history of Christianity to deepen your worship of God.