New King James Version

The Word of Promise Complete Audio Bible, NKJV

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New King James Version

The Word of Promise Complete Audio Bible, NKJV

Listen to the Bible in a Compelling, Dramatic Audio Theater Format

This world-class audio production immerses listeners in the dramatic reality of the Scriptures with an original music score by composer Stefano Mainetti (Abba Pater), feature film quality sound effects, and the compelling narration by Michael York and the work of over 600 actors.

Each beloved book of the Bible comes to life with outstanding performances by Jim Caviezel as Jesus, Richard Dreyfuss as Moses, Gary Sinise as David, Jason Alexander as Joseph, Marisa Tomei as Mary Magdalene, Stacy Keach as Paul, Louis Gossett, Jr. as John, Jon Voight as Abraham, Marcia Gay Harden as Esther, Joan Allen as Deborah, Max von Sydow as Noah, and Malcolm McDowell as Solomon.

Available in CD or download formats, the Word of Promise Complete Audio Bible showcases the full text of the New King James Version dramatized in 90 hours of listening. The 79-CD set includes a separate carrying case and an interactive Bonus Features DVD that includes actor interviews, worship resources, and a fascinating look at how dramatic audio theater is produced.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

I got this for my wife because she was wanting the audio bible to listen to at night before turning in to sleep. When we received it she was very pleased with it. She had heard of this particular audio Bible product before but had forgotten the name of it. We listen to it in the car while driving as well as at night. There are 79 CDs, so we try to do one CD in two days, which has not been difficult to do. We are both impressed with this Bible and would recommend it to anyone that is searching for an complete audio Bible.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Bought this for my husband. He has a 45 minute commute to and from work and we don't get very many radio stations in our area. He doesn't have satellite radio in his car like I do so he really loves listening to these on his drive. The kit is very nice and packaged very well. It comes with a carrying case for easy transport. The CD's are organized in hard cases and labeled according to each book of the Bible. He loves the sound effects and how each character has a different voice from the many different actors used to create this series. Well worth the money!

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5.0 out of 5 stars

Purchased for my 60th birthday and its excellent, a wonderful way to listen to Gods word whether relaxing or on the go. We know we will listen to the Cd's during the years to come, of course you still need to read His word but this is a great second. If you’re wondering just go for it, I promise it will BLESS you and its an investment into your growth and relationship with God.

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