New International Version

The Chronological Study Bible, NIV

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New International Version

The Chronological Study Bible, NIV

The First Study Bible Arranged in Chronological Order

The Chronological Study Bible presents the text of the Bible in the order of events as they unfolded over time with notes, articles, and full-color illustrations and graphics that help make the authentic history and culture of the Bible times come alive.

This Bible will take you on a journey through the history and culture of the Bible. It will allow you to step back into biblical times and discover the world out of which the Bible grew. It will help you follow the flow of events in the Scriptures into one story of salvation. You will learn how sacred history fits into the context of secular history–why an event happened, how events relate to each other, as well as the cultural, religious, political, and geographical background that influenced the events.

Text Size: 10 | large Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

Explore God’s Word in Historical Order

The Chronological Study Bible is the best resource available for studying life in Bible times and the events of the Bible as they happened. It offers a deeper understanding of Scripture through the lens of historical context.

Features include full-color illustrations of places, artifacts, and cultural phenomena; contextual articles that connect biblical times and world history and culture; daily life notes; time panels and charts that show the flow of biblical history, and in-text maps.

You’ll learn how biblical text relates to:

  • Agriculture and Herding
  • Architecture and Building
  • Arts and Literature
    This Bible is part of the Signature Series line of Thomas Nelson Bibles.


Daily Life Notes

Notes are found throughout the Bible text explaining how people lived in Bible times in 30 areas of life and culture such as this note related to Agriculture and Herding.


A handy glossary describes and explains many of the names, places, and things mentioned in the study notes that are unfamiliar to us today.

Index to Scripture Passages

This handy index lists Scripture sections in normal canonical order along with page numbers. So you can read through in chronological order. Or easily find specific passages you want to study.


An extensive concordance helps you locate important occurrences of significant words, phrases, and proper names found in the Bible.

Full Color Maps

Full color maps help you understand key topics and geography in Scripture such as the World of the Patriarchs, the Twelve Tribes and Jerusalem in New Testament Times.


5.0 out of 5 stars

I like the history and cultural aspects of this bible. Helps you understand better why things are written like they are. Also like the explanation of what was going on the 400 years between the old and new testaments.

From Christianbook
5.0 out of 5 stars

This is not a bible for a new believer, it is however perfectly formatted for the person that wants to expand their knowledge of how the book is written and laid out. It helps and guides you through the progressive structure of the scriptures which makes it more understandable in the genealogical time frame of the people, places and events that laid the foundations of Christianity. Not only will this help in your study, but, it will help in your ability to explain things to others.

From Christianbook
5.0 out of 5 stars

This bible is beautifully illustrated. I also enjoy reading the backstory that is offered as context to the current chapter being read. And the timelines illustrating economic and technological advancement in the region during the corresponding time period are very interesting. It makes for a great read

From Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars

Well laid out in clear and easy to read print, this Bible is a good accompaniment to other sources. Pages are not too thin so that they can easily be flicked over and the coloured illustrations are a charming addition. There are some useful additional historical tables and an index at the back so that it is easy to find books and part books that are not in the usual place due to their being written a different time. Well worth the money, a first-rate product arriving on time and well packaged.

From Amazon