New King James Version

Orthodox Study Bible

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New King James Version

Orthodox Study Bible

The FIRST EVER Orthodox Study Bible presents the Bible of the early church and the church of the early Bible.

Dive into the riches of Holy Scripture with this unique study Bible. Within its pages you’ll find commentary from ancient Christian perspectives that still remains relevant to modern-day Christians.

With this Bible, you will become a more informed Christian by listening to Christian voices from the first ten centuries after Christ. By listening to the past, your intellect and heart of faith unite for a richer Christian experience with the Orthodox Study Bible.

Text Size: 9.5 | medium Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

Ancient Christianity speaks to todays world.

The Orthodox Study Bible unites the holy words of Scripture with the understanding of the those words from the earliest days of the Christian era.

Unique Translation. While the New Testament uses the New King James translation, the Old Testament contains the text the early Church would have read: the Greek text of the Septuagint, including the Deuterocanon.

Liturgical Resources. For those who desire more guidance to their devotion, morning and evening prayers are included as well as lectionary readings for those who follow the readings in the Church calendar.


Book Introductions & Outline

Understand the time, place, and purpose of each book to have a deeper understanding of the writer’s message and how it serves the bigger picture.

Beautiful Iconography

Vivid and beautiful artistic representations of biblical events draw you closer into Scripture.

Supplemental Study Articles

Full-page articles summarize complex theological doctrines to deepen your Faith.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

All that you wish from a Bible
A book that draws you deeper into Faith and Scripture. Pleasant typeface. The text notes and the additional articles are concise and clear and illuminating. Icons are beautiful.

5.0 out of 5 stars

If you are serious about Bible study, you must have this book
This is a wonderful addition to complete the Bible. If you are a serious Bible reader, you MUST have this book on your shelf. It gives a different viewpoint to the Western Christian view. I find this gives food for thought and for me a feeling that I would like to learn more about a church which developed in parallel to Western Christianity with an impressive provenance. Honestly you will kick yourself if you don't buy this well priced wonderful book from Thomas Nelson.

5.0 out of 5 stars

Why this is now my study Bible of choice
As I mentioned in the title of this review, the Orthodox Study Bible has recently dethroned my trusty, old-RSV, New Oxford Annotated Bible as my study Bible of choice. I had little notion this would happen. I do have an extensive collection of Bibles in various translations that I use for comparative study; but probably like yourself, I also have a preferred Bible to go to by default for prayerful reading. Over the last two years, I just found myself picking up the OSB more and more and the NOAB less and less.