New King James Version

NKJV Value Outreach Bible

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New King James Version

NKJV Value Outreach Bible

An Affordable Edition that Helps New Bible Readers Easily Explore God’s Word

The New King James Version Bible is one of the most trusted, distributed, and best-selling English translations. The NKJV Value Outreach Bible is ideal for ministries and churches that want to share the Gospel with those interested in God’s Word and Christianity. Features such as an essay on Getting to Know God, wit the plan of salvation and a 30 Days with Jesus reading guide make it easy for new Bible readers to understand Scripture. Best of all, its affordable price makes it possible to distribute widely while staying in budget.

Text Size: 8 | medium Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

The NKJV Value Outreach Bible is perfect for outreach events and makes a great gift for new Christians and non-believers alike.

Features include:

  • Complete text of the New King James Version
  • Bible section introductions with maps
  • Getting to Know God
  • ABCs of Salvation
  • Life in New Testament Times
  • 30 Days with Jesus reading plan
  • Ministry, Miracles, and Parables of Jesus



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5.0 out of 5 stars

This Bible was a good value for the money! The print is small, so if you dont have good eyesight, this may not be the one for you! However, this one is good to have on hand to give to someone in need of a Bible. We got it in case someone comes to our Bible study without one and we can freely give it away. The cover looks really good and contemporary! The modern feel makes it rather appealing. There are no references or room for notes, but you get what you pay for! Great value and would purchase this item again!

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5.0 out of 5 stars

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