New King James Version

NKJV Compact Single-Column Reference Bible

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New King James Version

NKJV Compact Single-Column Reference Bible

An Elegant Leather Bible to Dive into God’s Word Wherever You Go

The NKJV Compact Single-Column Reference Bible offers all you need for engaging in a deeper understanding of the Bible—in a convenient and portable edition. The Bible’s small dimensions still allow for comfortable and enjoyable reading in the exclusive NKJV Comfort Print® font. A comprehensive cross-reference system, book introductions, full-color maps, and more will guide, enrich, and strengthen your knowledge of God’s word.

Text Size: 9 | medium Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

Combined with careful attention to all the classic and elegant details, the NKJV Compact Single-Column Reference Bible is a beautiful choice for a travel-friendly Bible need.

Features include:

  • Thomas Nelson NKJV Comfort Print ® font
  • Elegant and readable single-column format
  • Concordance
  • Genuine leather cover
  • Two satin ribbon markers
  • 9-point print size


5.0 out of 5 stars

I absolutely love this Bible. I have had many compact Bibles, this is by far one of the most Beautiful in quality and readability. The 9 point font is the perfect size, the red subheadings are great, the way it lays flat is great, the words do not drop off in the gutter( where the binding is), there is plenty of room to take notes in the margin if you need to, and I do not mind that it is NOT red letter. I think overall this is an amazing little Bible.

From Christianbook
5.0 out of 5 stars

This is a perfect Bible for those who prefer the the NKJV. its portable enough to travel with, but readable. The comfort print is really well done, and the red highlights throughout make studying, and using the cross references very easy on the eyes.

From Christianbook
5.0 out of 5 stars

I recently purchased a copy of the Thomas Nelson New King Kames Version (NKJV) Single Column Reference Bible (SCR). I liked it so much I decided to purchase the compact edition of this same Bible. I am extremely well pleased with this purchase. Like its larger sibling, this is an altogether superb non-premium Bible in every way – equal in quality to what I consider the best non-premium Bible I’ve ever owned.

From Amazon