New King James Version

Maxwell Leadership Bible, Third Edition Compact, NKJV

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New King James Version

Maxwell Leadership Bible, Third Edition Compact, NKJV

Be the Leader You Are Meant to Be

Every believer is a person of influence. In the Maxwell Leadership Bible, leadership expert John C. Maxwell shows you the principles of leadership taught in God’s Word and how to use them. Whether you are an employee, a boss, a parent, or a neighbor, you are a person of influence in your part of the world. Throughout the pages of Scripture, John Maxwell has assembled the time-tested and irrefutable biblical principles of leadership to equip and encourage leaders with his signature approach, including the 21 Laws of Leadership, the 21 Qualities of a Leader, biographical profiles, and hundreds of notes.

Text Size: 7 | small Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

Features in this updated 3rd edition include:

  • Updated with nearly 20% additional study features from the 2nd edition
  • Over 120 “Profiles in Leadership” lessons drawn from the people of the Bible
  • Hundreds of compelling short articles and notes on mentoring and influence
  • A complete reference index to the 21 Laws of Leadership and the 21 Qualities of a Leader
  • Printed in the readable NKJV Comfort Print® typeface
  • Ideal compact size for travel and daily reference