New King James Version

NKJV Gift and Award Bible

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New King James Version

NKJV Gift and Award Bible

Affordably Reward Achievements and Recognize Milestones 

The popular and reliable New King James Version is perfect for commemorating special faith milestones. This budget-friendly Bible is affordably priced for bulk purchases—an ideal choice to buy in bulk and ideal for for Vacation Bible School, gifts for new church attendees, graduations, baptisms, or birthdays. Includes a presentation page, the words of Christ in red, and many extras to assist Bible reading.

Red Letter:Yes Text Size: 7.5 | small Size Chart

This Bible includes the full text of the New King James Version Bible in the exclusive, easy-on-the-eyes NKJV Comfort Print® font.

Features include:

  • Words of Christ in red
  • Easy-to-use dictionary-concordance
  • Miracles and Parables of Jesus
  • Presentation page
  • full-color maps

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5.0 out of 5 stars

These bibles from Amazon were an answered prayer. The price point is terrific and we were able to get a bible in the hands of each child that needed one!! You wouldn’t believe how happy some of the kids were to have one of their own. It really humbled me and made me realize how much I take for granted. I’m keeping this link in my wish list to quickly purchase again when/as needed.

From Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars

Makes a great gift for someone you know that does have a Bible of their own. The binding should last for many years and if read like most people read their Bible it could very well last forever. Not really suitable for a graduation or wedding gift but a great one to give away.

From Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars

Lovely bible and easy to read

From Amazon