New King James Version

Devotional Bible for Women, NKJV

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New King James Version

Devotional Bible for Women, NKJV

A Special Devotional Bible Designed to Encourage Breast Cancer Patients, Survivors and Family Members

This Bible offers inspiring and encouraging devotionals and prayers from the popular Praying Through Cancer along with 366 devotions to help strengthen your walk with God.

Text Size: 10 | medium Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

A perfect gift for those needing encouragement through trials! This Bible includes a year’s worth of devotions on encouraging themes such as grace, hope, joy, peace, and love to inspire you each day. This unique Bible also features devotions and prayers from the popular Praying Through Cancer, written to encourage breast cancer patients, survivors, and family members.

Features include:

  • Encouragement with special prayers and devotions from those surviving cancer
  • 366 devotionals to strengthen your daily walk with God
  • Full text of the New King James Version Bible
  • Thematic index
  • 10-point type size

A portion of the proceeds from this Bible goes to breast cancer charity.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

This bible is absolutely beautiful! The leather is soft and feminine and the color is a lovely light pink. On the recommendation of a friend, I bought this as a gift for my cousin who was recently diagnosed with breast cancer - included in the bible are inspirational pages for cancer patients. This bible is so pretty I almost didn't want to give it up! It was gratifying to see my cousin loved receiving the gift as much as I loved giving it. I highly recommend buying this bible - you won't regret it!

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5.0 out of 5 stars

I love this bible! It is a beautiful presentation of God's Word.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

This is an absolutely beautiful, museum quality type of bible. This bible has such a beautiful presentation from the color, the lush feel of the cover, the pages, to the wonderful messages from women who have suffered from cancer. I'm a man and i am proud to own this. Definitely an awesome gift for your wife, girlfriend, or fiance'.

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