New King James Version

Ancient-Modern Bible, NKJV

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New King James Version

Ancient-Modern Bible, NKJV

Read the Bible Alongside the Great Voices of the Church, Past and Present

The NKJV Ancient-Modern Bible features articles and commentary from voices both ancient and modern such as Augustine, Luther, Graham, Henry, Tozer and Bonhoeffer. While many things have changed over the last two thousand years, the good news of Jesus Christ remains the same. As you read the Word of God with commentary from the great scholars and faith leaders through the ages, you’ll experience it fresh with the perspective of our global and historical community of faith.

Text Size: 8.5 | medium Size Chart Sewn Binding: Yes

One Faith. Handed Down. For All the Saints.

The NKJV Ancient-Modern Bible offers a fresh experience in God’s Word with book introductions, articles and commentary from giants of the faith throughout history. Features include:

  • Bible commentary from church thinkers past and present, from Huss to Keller, from Chrysostom to Spurgeon, from Aquinas to Wright
  • Biographies of church leaders and thinkers
  • Doctrine and history articles on significant councils, creeds, and controversies
  • Sacred art from throughout church history
  • Full-color design uniquely blends cutting edge modern typography and layout with traditional, sacred elements

Verse-by-Verse Commentary

Thousands of verse-by-verse comments offer insights from the church’s greatest teachers such as John Calvin, Charles Spurgeon, Augustine, John Wesley, Timothy Keller, Matthew Henry, Billy Graham, A.W. Tozer, C.S. Lewis, Henry Halley, Martin Luther, N.T. Wright, Jack Hayford, John Bunyan, Eugene Peterson, Jerome, R.C. Sproul, Ulrich Zwingli, D.L Moody, William Tyndale, D.A. Carson, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Soren Kierkegaard, and John Chrysostom.

Biography Articles

Full page biography articles provide insight and encouragement through the inspiring life stories of men and women who were transformed by the gospel, from the early church, through the Reformation, and beyond.

Sacred Art

Sacred art as inspired by the Bible through the centuries is interspersed throughout the Bible by artists such as Michelangelo, Caravaggio, Rembrandt, Gustave Dore, Christian Rohlfs, and Makoto Fujimura.

Doctrine & History Articles

Doctrine and history articles are provided on significant councils, creeds, and controversies.

Book Introductions

Book introductions provide context and and overview to each book of the Bible.


5.0 out of 5 stars

There are many Bibles on the market today, each with their own appeal. In this new edition, Ancient and Modern scholars are included to give their wisdom and study helps. Readers are treated to articles and commentaries from voices they may never have read, but will aid in their search and study of the Scriptures. This Bible is hard-covered and comes in a protective box. It has beautiful maps in the back, along with some beautiful "Art of the Church," which readers may or may not have seen. Articles include: "Creation and Fall," "Meditating on His Word," and "The Church." Throughout the Bible, readers will find biographies of people like: Maximus the Confessor, Thomas Merton, William Tyndale, and Eusebius. I really like this Bible. It is well laid out for study and it has been fun to learn about some ot the great Christians of the past. Each book has an introduction that includes quotes, the theme, and its purpose. I especially enjoy reading the quotes by men like John Calvin and Ayhanasius. I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys studying the Bible and going deeper each time. Thank you to Book Look Bloggers for my review copy. The review is my opinion and words.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

I didn't really know what I was getting into when I picked up this Bible. But I'm so impressed with what I found inside. First off, the page design, typesetting, and cover design is incredible. Thomas Nelson kicked it out of the park with these Bibles. They're so ridiculously beautiful. On each page, in the margins, there are notes and reflections from theologians, from the first century to the current century. Calvin, Spurgeon, Ignatius, Nouwen, Chrysostom, Wright, Keller, Aquinas...I could go on and on. The commentary notes are so good. There are sections on doctrine, history, theology, councils, controversies. The essays in the back of the Bible by Wright, Keller, and others are incredibly rich. Even further back, the major Church councils and creeds are included, which is SO COOL. And even further back, there are beautifully designed pages including sacred art from Church history. I really can't say enough good about these. Having handled the leathertouch, cloth, and hardcover editions, I say go for the cloth edition. **bibles graciously provided by Thomas Nelson for review.

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5.0 out of 5 stars

The tagline on the box of the Ancient-Modern Bible says, "One Faith. Handed Down. For All the Saints." This succinctly sums up the reality that we all read, interpret, and understand the bible as part of a 2,000 year old community stretching back to Jesus and the Apostles. As the Introduction to this edition states, "When you pick up the Bible and begin reading, you're not alone; you're joined by a vibrant, ancient-modern community of readers and interpreters, students of the Word, worshipers of God." How does this edition put this philosophy into practice? The margins of this edition are filled with comments from the greatest teachers, theologians, and worshipers in Christian history. From Church Fathers like Athanasius, Polycarp, and Cyril of Alexandria to Reformers like Luther, Calvin, and Bucer to more recent giants like Charles Spurgeon, Dietrich Bonhoeffer and C.S. Lewis to contemporary voices like Eugene Peterson, Billy Graham, Henri Nouwen, and even Jimmy Carter, this Bible is filled with the thoughts of the giants of Christianity, old and new. Instead of a typical study bible layout with commentary at the bottom of the page, this edition is laid out in a wide-margin, single-column layout with commentary placed in the margins near the appropriate verse or passage. While many pages, especially in the New Testament, are completely filled with commentary, there is plenty of room on others for adding your own notes in the very generous margins. Though I have not had the opportunity to read every single note, I have read hundreds of them and have not found a single one that failed to reflect the common faith we all share in common. This is not a sectarian study bible with a specific denominational or theological slant to it. The notes do a tremendous job pointing out the great shared beliefs that Christians in all times and places have held in common. As a NKJV bible, this edition benefits from the tremendous textual footnotes many have come to appreciate from the NKJV. For those unfamiliar with this translation, these footnotes point out more literal readings of the underlying Hebrew and Greek text as well as alternative readings from the Septuagint (Old Testament), Majority Greek text, and Nestle-Aland/United Bible Society Greet texts. These textual footnotes are second to none in any other translationapproached in popular translations by the newer CSB translation. Sprinkled throughout this bible are full-page biographies of notable Christians like the ones mentioned abovebelievers who have made indelible marks on the faith. Additionally, there are supplemental articles on topics like Creation, Bible meditation, the nature of the church, union with Christ, and the Trinity. The end matter of this Bible includes the three principle creeds of the faith (Apostles', Nicene, and Athanasian creeds); reading plans for the seasons of Advent and Lent; and over a dozen full-color prints of famous Christian art, both ancient and contemporary. As stated at the outset, this study bible is a rare gem among editions currently on the market. It deserves to be on every Christian's bookshelf and consulted over and over!

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