Join us in praying for women around the world
Of all the practices that are a part of our faith, prayer is one of the most important. Turning to God in prayer, to the all-powerful creator of the universe who is the embodiment and fullness of love (1 John 4:8), is a powerful act of faith, especially when we are praying on behalf of others.
Join us over the next seven days by investing a few minutes daily to pray for women around the world. Each day you will be introduced to a woman from another part of the world:
- Some live in countries where many people would profess to be Christians.
- Others live in places where one of the most dangerous things you can do is call yourself a Christian in public.
- All have a story to share, of how they have seen God’s heart for them—and their love for God has grown—as they’ve studied the Scriptures.
Along with their stories, you’ll learn some important facts about their countries and how you can specifically be praying for these women, their communities, and for the gospel to go forward through them.