Abide Bible – Day 3 in The Gospel of John

January 28, 2021
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Day 3

Journaling can be a conversation with God.

Journaling Scripture enables you to reflect on your raw thoughts and feelings with the Holy Spirit as your guide. As you read Scripture, you slow down and ask God questions, search for patterns, and develop your thoughts more clearly.

Today’s video guides you through a passage in John 3 and invites you to explore your thoughts and feelings through the practice of journaling.

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22 replies on “Abide Bible – Day 3 in The Gospel of John”

I just come to find this bible teaching . It’s new to me that kind of bible teaching I never knew what it was to pray according to bible, & journal I so appreciate we are learning new things every day
Thank you for this well explain. Teaching . Praise God. And blessings to you and your family

This method of bible study is really interesting.praying the word has bn an issue cos atimes I struggle to get something out of what I read but now things that means nothing are coming together meaningfully.and interesting.thank you so much.Lord thank you.

I learn to appreciate God in my life, because when God is wt you, you don’t have to worry so when John said “let him increase and I decrease” meaning let her presence not be felt but only Jesus presence be felt.

Journaling is so helpful as it helps you focus and clarify your thoughts, especially in praying to our Father in heaven. If I feel something is important enough to think about and rejoice in, it’s probably worth writing down. If I am convicted of sin, I confess it in writing. Much of the Bible is a journal if you think about it.

I enjoyed how you pulled out things in me I did not recognize I struggled with. I always have a problem answering questions that seem to require deep thought. I am enjoying this Bible reading and breaking down process to really see what the meanings are in scripture.

Day 3 has helped me to unpack more fully the understanding that the things we excel at are simply the product of the gifts we have been given. The real question is – are we using those abilities and gifts effectively to extend His Kingdom? I resist popularity and point instead to Him. He has made us sons, but, like Jesus, we make ourselves servants – messengers of His good news, carriers of His Victory, signposts to the Saviour. This journalling thing really helps!! Thank you so much!! Again, loved the example first of your own journal comments – then I wrote my own. Gosh, how I wish my earthly dad had done this with me. But now, my Heavenly Father is doing it with me through you. Really appreciate it.

Thank you for this lesson.
Thank you for helping me slow down and digest the word.
This is pretty amazing so far, and I have gotten so much more out of a few simple words than I had before.

I enjoy him very much!! I love the way he just talks to us so helpful! My only concern is I can’t hear him sometimes. I have turned it up really loud but he still speaks so softly. But other than that I am loving this so much!!!

I have heard of Journaling before but did not think it was for me as I find writing to be difficult. After seeing the example, I think this it is something I can do and will try it.

Day 3 another winner. I liked how he broke down the journaling process. I am one of those folks who did not see value in journaling, but I do now. I can see how writing brings out more insight into what is really going on in my heart. Thanks much.

Praise The Lord. Thank you, I can not stop confessing and repent God has given me a free will, but, I have to be sure my free is according to his will , my free will is God’s conscience, trained by his word, LORD I confess my spiritual pride and attitude to you

Journaling really helps. It works the same as reflecting in teaching. This means we don’t only have to reflect on what we learn at school, but even with the Word of God. And thinking deep about each verse helps us to understand the scriptures and ask questions so we can gain understanding.

I also liked the part of confessing our prideful actions. And I agree that most of us at times we do act prideful, sometimes unintended. But it is good that we can go before our Father and he can help us in this area.

Thank you for the examples you gave on pride.

Where Did you get the questions from? Was it your questions? I would love the questions so i can write my answers. I am new at coming to Christ and i need to reflect more i guess. Thank you

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