Thank you for joining us in this prayer journey!
We are so excited that you’re joining us for this prayer experience by investing a few minutes every day to pray for women around the world.
Keep an eye on your inbox for the first prayer in the series. And know that as you pray, we are praying that you will have a greater sense of God’s love for you too—and that your love for God will grow greatly as a result.
Dive Deep into God’s Word and be Encouraged Alongside Women Around the World
The stories featured in this series appear alongside 59 more in the Love God Greatly and Young Women Love God Greatly Bibles.
These Bibles feature country profiles and testimonials from women all over the world, along with the proven and accessible SOAP Bible study method to help you nurture ongoing intimacy with God as you read God’s Word daily.
1 reply on “Thanks for joining the Love God Greatly prayer series”
I don’t have the money to buy the “Love God Greatly Bible but I am happy to join in prayers!