Maxwell Leadership Bible

December 1, 2020

It All Begins With God, the Ultimate Leader.

Whether an employee, an executive, a pastor, or a parent, you have an impact in your part of the world. In the Maxwell Leadership BibleExecutive Editor Dr. John C. Maxwell has assembled the time-tested and irrefutable biblical principles found in the Bible with his signature approach including the 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, the 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader, character profiles and study notes that will help equip you to apply God’s leadership principles in your sphere of influence.

Now Updated with Nearly 20% Additional Study Features

See More Videos from Dr. Maxwell

Salt and Light | The Playbook for Success

Hundreds of Leadership Insights Throughout the Bible

From Genesis to Revelation, the people, events, and teachings of the Bible are God’s treasury of wisdom and guidance for anyone who has been called to be a person of influence. Dr. John C. Maxwell draws from his decades of godly leadership and best-selling resources to illuminate the time-tested and life-changing principles of leadership in Scripture.

Available in the NIV and NKJV

NIV Hardcover Edition

NIV Hardcover Edition

NIV Black Leathersoft™

NIV Black Leathersoft™

NIV Burgundy Bonded Leather

NIV Burgundy Bonded Leather

NIV Brown Genuine Leather

NIV Brown Genuine Leather

NKJV Hardcover Edition

NKJV Hardcover Edition

NKJV Black Leathersoft™

NKJV Black Leathersoft™

NKJV Burgundy Bonded Leather

NKJV Burgundy Bonded Leather

NKJV Brown Genuine Leather

NKJV Brown Genuine Leather

John C. Maxwell

Dr. Maxwell has spent most of five decades researching and equipping others for leadership and his major source of leadership principles has always been the Bible, the Word of God. John is an internationally recognized leadership expert, speaker, and authors who has sold over 14 million books. He is the founder of Injoy Stewardship Services and EQUIP and his organizations have trained more than 3 million leaders worldwide. Learn more about John at and his organization EQUIP at

Free Leadership Resources from John Maxwell